

1-       Purpose

The International Association of Occupational Safety and Health Organizational Policy aims to provide and indicate fundamental guidelines and practices of our organization to employers and employees alike. Following national standards in the United Kingdom and international regulations, IAOSH-UK ensures that our training services align with the company’s values adhere to legal and regulatory standards, and promote optimum training services to all clientele.

2-       Scope

This policy applies to all employees, training providers, contractors, and partners of IAOSH-UK who shall use or apply for our training services including but not limited to individual training services, Authorized Training Provider services, inspection services, and auditing services.

3-        Policy

-          Responsibilities of IAOSH-UK Staff and Service Providers

Employees at IAOSH-UK must ensure that they follow their allocated roles and responsibilities according to their job description and ensure that all training services, either provided directly by IAOSH-UK or executed by authorized training providers are provided ensuring up-to-date training methodologies that are consistent with the United Kingdom and applicable international regulations.

-          Compliance with Laws and Regulations

IAOSH-UK Management Systems must comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 

-          Data Privacy and Security

IAOSH's employers and employees must ensure that any personal or sensitive data used for registration and certifications of customer systems is not released to public systems and stored securely.

Takes the utmost care in safeguarding customer data through a comprehensive and rigorous data protection protocol. Our organization implements state-of-the-art security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all customer information.

-          Key features of IAOSH's data protection process include:

·       Encryption: All customer data is encrypted using advanced algorithms during transmission and storage.

·       Access Control: Strict access controls are in place, limiting data access to authorized personnel only.

·       Regular Audits: We conduct frequent internal and external audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

·       Compliance: IAOSH-UK adheres to international data protection regulations, including GDPR and CCPA.

·       Data Minimization: We collect and retain only essential customer information, reducing potential exposure.

·       Secure Infrastructure: Our systems are hosted on secure, redundant servers with multiple layers of protection.

·       Employee Training: All staff members undergo regular data protection and privacy training.

·       Incident Response Plan: A robust plan is in place to swiftly address any potential data breaches.

Commitment to data protection ensures that our customers can trust us with their sensitive information. We continuously update our processes to stay ahead of emerging threats and maintain the highest standards of data security. For further information on our data protection policies, please refer to our full Data Protection Policy which is available on our website.

-          Training and Education

IAOSH-UK Management shall strive for the continuous development of technical and practical safety courses and diplomas by using up-to-date safety informational systems that are referenced in both national and international health and safety regulations. IAOSH-UK strives to ensure that all trainees, no matter their background, shall be provided optimum training either through IAOSH’s directly or through Authorized Training Providers which will be accredited under IAOSH-UK directly to ensure that the Authorized Training Provider achieves IAOSH's Mission, Vision, and objectives.


4-       Enforcement

    IAOSH-UK Management shall strive for the continuous development of technical and practical safety courses and diplomas by using up-to-date safety informational systems that are referenced in both national and international health and safety regulations. IAOSH-UK strives to ensure that all trainees, no matter their background, shall be provided optimum training either through IAOSH-UK directly or through Authorized Training Providers which will be accredited under IAOSH-UK directly to ensure that the Authorized Training Provider achieves IAOSH-UK Mission, Vision, and objectives.


5-       Policy Review

    This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed, based on technical and regulatory needs. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to all employees.


Effective Date

This policy is effective as of January 1st, 2024, and shall be renewed yearly.